Taiwan Tourists to China's Mainland Number Over 3m

The number of Taiwan tourists to China's mainland exceeded 3m last year (person/time, same below) to reach 3.1086m for the first time, as is known from the fourth cross-Straits tourism industry meeting opened February 13 in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province.

The number of Taiwanese touring the mainland has increased from 437,700 in 1988 to 3,108,600 in 2000 since Taiwanese were allowed to come to the mainland for travelling and visiting relatives in 1987, said Sun Gang, deputy director of the National Tourism Administration.

By the end of last year, Taiwanese to the mainland during the 13 years had totaled 20.36m, Sun added, with their activity range extended from simple travelling and visiting relatives to holiday-making, business activities and scientific and cultural exchanges, which had greatly enhanced mutual understanding and boosted common economic development of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits.

It is reported that Taiwanese travelling outside the island number around 6 million every year, half of them to the mainland.

Cross-Strait tourism exchanges have been strengthened and deepened in recent years. At present, tourism associations in about 10 provinces are invited each year to form delegations to Taiwan for investigation and exchange and their counterparts in Taiwan are also active in organizing study tour of the mainland.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/