UN Official Discusses Afghan Issue with Pak Foreign Minister

Pakistani Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar Monday held a meeting with United Nations Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Kenzo Oshima to discuss the grave situation in Afghanistan, according to a press release.

Sattar expressed Pakistan's serious concern over the recent influx of Afghan refugees into Pakistan, which is estimated at about 200,000 since last September and the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situations inside Afghanistan.

He underlined the need for emergency relief on a large scale by the UN while deeply appreciating the timely visit by the Under Secretary General.

Sharing Pakistan's concerns, Oshima indicated that the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan asked him to assess the refugees as well as to mobilize donor assistance to meet humanitarian needs of them both in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The U.N. official arrived here for a 5-day visit to the region. He is scheduled to leave for Afghanistan tomorrow.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/