UN to Recruit International Civil Servants in China

In order to recruit Chinese staffs to work in UN's Secretariat, the UN's international contest exam was held in Beijing on February 8 and 9 in accordance with an agreement reached by the Chinese government and the United Nations.

Specialties required for the exam include administrative management, economy, electronic-information processing, finance, library, legal, political and social affairs and statistics as well.

It is reported that so far, the Chinese staffs working in all kinds of international organizations come to a total of 530.

The international contest exam is a method by which the United Nations recruit its junior staffs from its member countries. The UN will choose some countries to hold the examination every February. Those passing the exam will acquire a qualification to work in the UN. Applicants should hold undergraduate certificates or above who are majored in any of the aforesaid specialties and are also able to draft documents in fluent English or French, attend conferences and work for the UN with their age limited at the 32 years old.

A total of 38 countries including China, U.S., Japan, Germany took part in the 2001 exam, which was being simultaneously held in Beijing, New York, Geneva and other 24 test venues. With the subjects divided into public and specialty, the time-limit is 4 hours for each test. China organized its first exam in 1995 with altogether 6 contenders passed it and they are now all employed in the UN Secretariat.

This year, nearly 200 applicants took the exam which was co-sponsored by China Civil Servants Center and Personnel Exam Center under the Ministry of Personnel.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/