Party Publicity Chief Stresses Development of Internet News Service

Party Publicity Chief Stresses Development of Internet News Service
Ding Guangen, head of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said that China should accelerate the development of the Internet news service and build a large, influential on-line publicity system as soon as possible.

Ding, also member of the Political Bureau and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks when inspecting Xinhuanet, an Internet news website run by the Xinhua News Agency, on Wednesday.

Ding said that Xinhua should continue to concentrate its recourses to build the website into an "on-line information hub" that is of top standard in China and enjoys popularity in the world.

Ding pointed out that Chinese President Jiang Zemin and the CPC Central Committee think that the use of publicity on the Internet is very important.

He emphasized that key news websites in the country should strive to develop their own brand names and authority and adopt unique characteristics and high standards.

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