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Thursday, February 08, 2001, updated at 21:02(GMT+8)

China Unicom to Cut Telephone Fees

China Unicom, one of the largest telecommunications operators in China, will cut charges on long-distance calls and IP phone calls starting February 21.

The new fees for Unicom's "193" long-distance calls will be 0.06 yuan per six seconds for long-distance calls within China's mainland; 0.18 yuan per six seconds for calls to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; and 0.72 yuan per six seconds for international calls.

From 10 p.m. through 7 a.m., the fees will be discounted, according to Unicom.

Its IP telephone fee charges will be 0.3 yuan per minute for calls within mainland areas; 1.5 yuan per minute for calls to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; 2.6 yuan for those to the United States and Canada; and 3.6 yuan to the other areas of the world.

China Unicom's long distance telephone network covers 200 districts across the country.

The fees for renting lines will be cut at the same time, Unicom said.

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China Unicom, one of the largest telecommunications operators in China, will cut charges on long-distance calls and IP phone calls starting February 21.

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