Beijing Adjusts Policy to Bring in Non-Beijing Graduates

Beijing employing units can hire outstanding graduates from universities listed in "211 Project", which was launched by the Ministry of Education in 1996 in order to spur China to build more first-rate universities, according to the "Opinion on Employment of University Graduates in 2001". The Opinion was recently released by the Beijing Personnel Bureau.

The Opinion makes relevant readjustment on the policy concerning acceptance of non-Beijing graduates by companies in Zhongguancun, known as China's Silicon Valley, China Youth Daily reported.

The method of combining control on qualification and control on the total number will continue to be adopted, but no restriction is set on the specialty and number regarding the acceptance of non-Beijing master's and doctoral graduates.

With regard to large and middle-sized State-owned enterprises which are in desperate need of talents, they are numerically guaranteed to employ non-Beijing graduates, recommended by competent departments and approved by Beijing Personnel Bureau.

Analysts here say that the adjustment will be conducive to the acceptance of talents by enterprises in the Zhongguancun High-tech Park. It is reported that last years, among the enterprises in said Park, only 64 got the permission to employ a specified number of non-Beijing graduates, which was thought to be a hindrance to Zhongguacun's effort to attract talents.

The Regulation of Zhongguancun High-tech Park, which went into effect not long ago, stipulates that current year's graduates from universities or scientific research institutes in Beijing's administrative division, who are hired by enterprises in Zhongguancun can be granted permanent Beijing residence.

In addition, to encourage Beijing graduates to work in the western regions, the Opinion also stipulates that Beijing graduates volunteering to work in the western regions can settle in Beijing as permanent residents. They can come back to Beijing any time after three years of service in western regions.

By PD Online staff Li Yan

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