Wuhan Closed 188 Polluting Enterprises

The municipal government of Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, announced lately that the city's 612 industrial enterprises, which used to be serious sources of pollution, have all met the standard set for emission control.

Since last year, Wuhan has tightened control over industrial pollution by enterprises and specially cited and warned 612 such enterprises. Thereafter, 393 enterprises have met the standard. Meanwhile, for a thorough elimination of sources of pollution Wuhan has even dismantled, stopped and changed some manufacture lines and has had a total of 188 polluting enterprises shut according to regulations and environmental standard set.

Thanks to these efforts, the air quality and living environment of residents have been largely improved. It is reported that major industrial polluting sewage discharges in Wuhan have decreased over 65 percent.

By PD Online staff member Deng Gang

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/