Beijing Customs Enhances Cracking Down Smuggling

The Beijing Municipal Customs Bureau in 2000 year seized 94 smuggling cases, with an value estimated at 84.45 million yuan (about 1.01 million U.S. dollars).

Altogether 47 suspects were caught. Customs also discovered 537 cases involving either breaking laws or regulations and the value involved in the cases amounted to 166 million yuan. The customs have turned over more than 86 million yuan from confiscating illegal goods or fines on illegal activities.

In the past few years, Customs officials have focused efforts on flower smuggling, and duty evasion cases by abusing the duty-free or reduction policies.

Besides, Customs last year confiscated 1,747 pornographic objects, 881 cultural relics, 52 guns and bullets and 1,165 endangered animals and plants, or products made from endangered animals and plants.

People's Daily Online ---