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Monday, January 22, 2001, updated at 15:54(GMT+8)

News Topping China's Agricultural Sector in 2000

2000 top ten agriculture news items have lately been chosen by 10 news media including Agriculture Daily and Rural China Magazine and these are as listed below:

  • 1. A strategic restructuring of agriculture and rural economy was called for a boom of rural economy, development of market economy, modernization construction and further advance of China's economy as a whole.

  • 2. The Central Government decided on a reform of taxation and fee collection and specific experiments to be carried out in the whole province of Anhui.

  • 3. An education drive for studying President Jiang Zemin's thinking on the Chinese Communist Party representing the development requirements of China's advanced social productive forces, the progressive course of China's advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the people is to be launched among cadres at various levels in rural China.

  • 4. "Opinions on How to Promote a Healthy Development of Small Cities and Towns" released by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

  • 5. The NPC Standing Committee examined and inspected law enforcement of Township Enterprises Law of the PRC.

  • 6. The Ministry of Agriculture and the State Development Planning Commission approved 151 national key agricultural enterprises.

  • 7. The Ministry of Agriculture put forward ten measures to boost western regions' agricultural and rural economic development during the 10th Five-year Plan years 2001-2005.

  • 8. The Ministry of Agriculture and Finance and the Bank of Agriculture decided on formulating specific standards and demands to further develop China's agriculture and these are to be completed by 2005.

  • 9. Wang Leyi and other nine agronomists were cited on a grand scale for their outstanding contribution to China's agriculture and to publicize and learn from their good virtues and noble spirit, over 90 others were duly granted with first-class citations.

  • 10. For a sound development of rural economy farmers in Zhejiang achieved a 7.63 percent growth in income, the highest in China.

  • By PD Online staff member Yin Zhili

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    2000 top ten agriculture news items have lately been chosen by 10 news media including Agriculture Daily and Rural China Magazine and these are as listed below.

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