Government to Ensure Security Before Spring Festival

Grassroots security authorities throughout China were urged Saturday to check for possible security problems on the approach of the Chinese lunar New Year that falls on January 24.

Luo Gan, head of the central committee for comprehensive management of public security, told a session of the committee Saturday that the government will continue the campaign to uproot organized crimes by delivering determined strikes to those who offer criminals a protective umbrella.

He urged local authorities to stem the potential risks of serious accidents and prevent the occurrence of big disasters.

According to Luo, China will accelerate the development of villager's committees, neighborhood watch programs and civil mediator agents at grassroots levels this year.

He said the security authorities will step up the administration of migrant population, prevention of juvenile delinquencies and resolution of civil disputes. Efforts will also be made to improve security in areas surrounding large and medium- sized enterprises and schools, and to fight against pornography, gambling and drug abuse.

He also asked local security authorities to intensify their struggle against the Falungong cult by keeping a close watch on the movement of the outlawed cult. He required that the localities detect and foil the cult's activities at the earliest possible stage and relentlessly block the attempts that major and diehard cult members make to disrupt public order.

People's Daily Online ---