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Thursday, January 18, 2001, updated at 08:58(GMT+8)

Shanghai to Telecast Live Hong Kong New Year Parade

The Shanghai Television Station (STV) is scheduled to telecast live the spectacular Chinese Lunar New Year parade to be held in Hong Kong on January 24.

This will be the first time a TV station in the interior areas to broadcast live the annual event.

More than 1,000 TV networks in the interior areas will relay the telecast simultaneously.

Zhu Yonglei, director of STV said TV viewers in the interior areas are interested in the parade not only because it has become a major event in the global tourism industry but also because it will reflect Hong Kong's increasing prosperity and stability after China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over the region.

An official with the Hong Kong Tourist Association said the telecast will enable people in the interior areas and Hong Kong to share in the happiness of the Chinese Hew Year.

The Hong Kong Chinese New Year parade was initiated in 1996. About 13 colorful floats and 38 international and local performing groups will take part in this year's parade ceremony.

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The Shanghai Television Station (STV) is scheduled to telecast live the spectacular Chinese Lunar New Year parade to be held in Hong Kong on January 24.

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