Disadvantage of Getting On-Line by Students Outweighs Advantagege

Sixty percent people agree that for primary and middle schools students, the disadvantage of using the Internet outweighs advantages, according to a survey conducted by the Fujian Hotline.

Statistics show that Fuzhou, the capital of east China's Fujian Province, has 200,000 internet users, with primary and middle school students constituting a considerably large ratio.

With the extensive use of computers at home, lots of parents encourage their children to use the Internet in order to widen the range of their knowledge. But quite a few parents find that their children spend most of their on-line time chatting and playing interactive games.

The survey indicates that 65 percent of the students getting on-line are just for the purpose of playing games.

Sixty-six percent people covered in the survey share the view that only a few Internet websites are suitable for primary and middle school students. Students spend so much time on the Internet as to affect their study.

Some parents suggest that students' access to the Internet should be controlled to some extent. They also ask schools to select suitable websites and webpages for students on network teaching.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/