China Demolishes Half-finished Buildings in Resorts

Sanya, a city in the southernmost part of Hainan Province has started demolishing half-finished buildings in a villa area to restore the natural beauty of the resort.

Three three-story half-finished buildings were leveled Monday. The buildings with a total floor space of 15,000 square meters have long been abandoned and surrounded by weeds, thus spoiling the scenery.

The city government made a decision last year to demolish 200 half-constructed buildings considering their adverse influence on the city's outlook. Most of the buildings are either located along the main street or in the resorts, with construction sites exceeding 2 million square meters.

The government sent notices to 68 construction sites, requiring the developers to hand in a schedule of when construction will restart. The 22 developers that gave no response by the deadline have been included on the list for demolition. The government will tear down some others after the Chinese Spring Festival, starting on January 24.

People's Daily Online ---