CGWIC Ready to Provide Full-Quarter Service

Zhang Xinxia, president of the China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) said January 9 that CGWIC has been completely ready to provide full-quarter service from being a rocket supplier to becoming a manufacturer of carriers, satellites and whole sets of ground systems in China.

Zhang told news media that irrespective of 1996 accident's influence on business CGWIC has been enabled by its technology advances to conduct satellite launching on a high plane and typical are 22 successive launches having been successfully carried out by its Long-march rocket series in the past three years.

Zhang further told that in face of fierce competition and a limited market CGWIC will decidedly shed off its old operation form serving merely as a rocket supplier and this is as unveiled by its Dongfanghong-III Satellite and a high-power satellite platform under research in support of the effort set. China will carry on its tasks designated and provide customers with leasing services at an appropriate time, he said.

He pointed out that satellite selling by CGWIC will promote China's export of ground control system, mobile communication and electromechanical products used on satellites. It is reported that CGWIC had reaped an annual amount of 4 billion yuan last year, including 3.2 billion yuan of export earnings from electromechanical products.

As is known from news reports, CGWIC earlier had cooperation developed with Europe. On top of this, CGWIC has come to make an effort in opening up new markets in countries of the third world. Zhang told that CGWIC has been ready to enter a bid with an Italian company for the launching of a communication satellite in Iran and benefit the world peoples as are set by its exploratory effort for developing space technology.

By PD Online staff member Deng Gang

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