Cambodian Leaders Attach Importance to Development of Sino-Cambodian Ties

Cambodian leaders Wednesday all expressed the hope that they would further enhance and strengthen the ties of traditional friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and China.

Chea Sim, president of Senate, Norodom Ranariddh, president of National Assembly, and Prime Minister Hun Sen announced this here on Wednesday when they separately met with visiting delegation of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Chea Sim expressed thanks to the Chinese government and the Chinese people for their support and assistance to the Cambodian government and the Cambodian people in various historic periods of the country, especially for the positive role played by the Chinese government in politically and peacefully resolving the Cambodian issue.

Norodom Ranariddh briefed on the Cambodian situations to the Chinese guests, saying that now Cambodia remains stable and has entered into an economic development period. The Cambodian people attributed this to the role played by King Sihanouk and the unity and cooperation between the two major ruling parties -- the Cambodian People's Party and the Funcinpec, he said.

He stressed that Cambodia supports "one China" policy.

When meeting with the CPPCC delegation in the Council of Ministers this afternoon, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that economic cooperation has increasingly become an issue of common concern in the process of global economic integration.

The Cambodian premier stressed that the steady economic development in China would play an increasingly bigger role in safeguarding legitimate rights of developing nations in the region.

On Thursday, the CPPCC delegation will tour the Angkor Wat, one of the seven ancient building wonders in the East. And the delegation is expected to conclude its official visit to Cambodia on Friday.

People's Daily Online ---