Chinese Vice President Arrives in Damascus

Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao arrived in Damascus Wednesday for a three-day official visit to Syria, during which he is expected to have in-depth talks with Syrian leaders on a wide range of issues.

In a written statement distributed on his arrival at Damascus Airport, Hu recalled the traditional Sino-Syrian friendship and said that since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1956, the relations have witnessed an all-round development in cooperation in political, economic and cultural areas.

The two countries are faced with the same opportunities and challenges in the new century, Hu pointed out, adding that it is the common task for the two countries to enhance the Sino-Syrian friendship and expand the bilateral cooperation.

Hu said that he is confident that the bilateral cooperation will be brought to a higher level for the sake of the happiness of the two peoples.

He was received by Syria's First Vice President Abdel Halim Khaddame, who hosted a welcome ceremony at the airport.

Hu's entourage included Vice Foreign Minister Ji Peiding, Vice Minister in charge of State Development Planning Commission Wang Yang, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Sun Guangxiang and other senior officials.

Hu's five-nation tour has brought him to Iran. He will also visit Jordan, Cyprus and Uganda.

People's Daily Online ---