Commentary Warns Against West's Political Plots Using Falun Gong

Our Daily carries a commentary Tuesday issuing a warning against the political plots using the notorious Chinese cult of Falun Gong, headed by Li Hongzhi.

Some anti-China forces in the West have assessed the situation incorrectly, trying to use Li and his cult as a cheap tool to topple the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and change China's political system, the commentary says.

The cult has no ground among the public in China, a country with a population of 1.2 billion, where only a handful of people believe in Li and his evil instructions and the number of stubborn believers of Falun Gong is even smaller, it says.

Chinese people understand that stability is the basic guarantee of China's reforms, opening and modernization drive, the commentary says, stressing that without a stable political and social environment, the achievements of China's two-decade reforms and opening up would vanish.

Due to this understanding, Chinese people are advocating the government's ban on the cult at their own will, which has led to the quick collapsing of the cult body and immediate awakening of those who have been cheated by the cult, the commentary said.

Falun Gong opposes the government, science and the law of the development of human society, the paper comments. The government ban on the cult was done according to law as well as international practices against cults, it points out.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, anti-China forces have not halted their hostile activities, but all their plots have failed due to the counterattacks by Chinese people under the correct leadership of the CPC, the commentary says.

The paper warns international hostile forces not to use Falun Gong as a knocker to open the door of socialist China and urges Falun Gong followers to wake up from the evil instructions of the cult leader and stop damaging their families, other people's lives and the social order of society as a whole.

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