China's First Trans-Genetic Botanical Pharmaceutical Plant Set up

A local company is preparing to construct a trans-genetic botanical pharmaceutical plant, the first of its kind in China.

Xinguang Corp. Ltd., formerly a textile enterprise, has developed trans-genetic products in cooperation with research institutes at home and abroad.

Despite the fact trans-genetic products were widely accepted in the United States, it is yet unknown whether they will be turned down in the Chinese market, as people here are still suspicious of a possible aftermath.

China started trans-genetic research about a decade ago, however, no related research findings have been applied to medical manufacturing.

The company has cooperated with the US-based Cubarin company to produce medlar with a rich content of interferon, and cooperated with the University of Michigan to produce potatoes that can help protect people against Hepatitis B, the company said.

Some natural elements in plants can be used to cure diseases, and the progress in trans-genetic research has made possible the transfer of plants into important medical protein sources, they said.

Some famous biologists both at home and abroad have been invited as special advisors to the company.

People's Daily Online ---