Beijing Government to Work on Networks by 2005

By the end of 2005, the request for examination and approval, administration and service raised by enterprises and citizens of Beijing to the Municipality Government will be conducted on the network; and by the end of 2005, the "e-government" of Beijing will start to work in an all-round way. By then, everything concerned by the government, from the government affairs to the community service of citizens, will all enter into an era of networks.

News released from the Beijing Electronic Administration Working Conference shows that 123 department units of Beijing so far have established their own websites on the "Window of Capital", which now serves as a major channel for citizens to get information from government departments.

While the concept of "Digital Beijing" raised, the Municipality Government also has set new requirements for the electronic government affairs: aiming at initially conducting examination and approval, administration and service for enterprises and citizens on networks by the end of 2002. Then on this basis, an electronic government affair network system with complete system, reasonable structure, high-speed broad bands and broaden connection, as well as an information data bank sharable by the whole system of the Government of Beijing will be established by the end of 2005, enabling the Government to handle daily affairs via networks.

Meanwhile, the technique training for network security will also be stressed. On one side, special attention will be given to security measures like separating special networks and inner networks from the Internet physically; on the other side, officials and government staffs of all levels should adapt themselves to the "e-government affairs", to be exactly, all the civil servants under the age of 50 should be trained and then capable of working on networks by the end of 2002.

By PD Online staff member Deng Gang

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