Major Portals' Merger Excluded

Lately words about a merger of four major Chinese portal websites have been given vogue in China. Nonetheless, sources from the headquarters of told the fact it had expressed the desire for a merger with the other three.

Peter Yip, CEO of told lately that there is no way for a merger of the four websites for competitions among the four portals will be helpful in innovation, exploring markets and earning much more profits to benefit the investors. A union of strategy and cooperation should be established to augment the interest of every side than a merger of the four.

However, a merger of two portals instead of four may become feasible when conditions are ripe, Yip told. For instance, the leadership of each side can get along with each other in teamwork and expenses may be cut in management. But caution is needed when talking about a new merger of the four for some 90 percent of portals had failed after they got into a merger.

By PD Online Staff Yin Zhili

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