Jiangxi Province Breaks Through Infrastructure Bottleneck

East China's Jiangxi province has shrugged off the infrastructure bottleneck that has stifled its economic development for several years, thanks to massive construction of hydraulic and transportation facilities.

Despite its geographical advantages, Jiangxi, however, lags far behind other provinces in the region in economic development.

The installed electricity capacity in the province has risen to 6.34 million kilowatts this year from 4.51 million kilowatts five years ago. In telecommunications, the province's program-controlled switches now have the ability of handling 4.6 million telephones, with mobile telephones rising to 2.2 million.

In another development, another 420 kilometers of highway were constructed during the past five years, with every village now having access to sealed roads. The province also became a railroad hub where the Beijing-Kowloon Railway and the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway meet.

Completion of several large and medium-sized hydraulic projects like the dyke-consolidation projects along the Yangtze River have provided the province with improved anti-flood facilities.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/