14th Conference of 21st Century Committee for Sino-Japan Friendship Held

The 14th conference of the 21st Century Committee for Sino-Japan Friendship was held in Bo'ao, Qionghai of Hainan Province on December 24.

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori sent congratulatory message and telegram respectively to the conference. Yang Zhenya, chief committee member of the Chinese side, and Tatuo Okabe, chief committee member of the Japanese side, gave keynote speeches respectively on behalf of their committee.

Zhu Rongji said in his message that at the turn of the Century, the Sino-Japan relationship has welcomed in a series of new opportunities for development, and is faced with quite a few new problems. Bringing about a long-term, healthy and stable development of the bilateral relations is in keeping with the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, and is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and the whole world. He hoped that the members of both sides would have a frank and in-depth exchange of opinions and offer active and helpful suggestions on strengthening and developing Sino-Japan relations of friendship and cooperation in the 21st Century.

Yoshiro Mori expressed in his telegram that during Premier Zhu's visit to Japan last October, China and Japan reaffirmed the important significance of devoting efforts to peace and developing friendly and cooperative partnership and enhancing mutual understanding and trust. He hoped that committee members of both sides would, on this basis, give full play to their wisdom and intelligence and conduct sincere dialogs on how to develop Sino-Japan ties in the 21st Century.

Yang Zhenya pointed out in his speech that no matter how the situation changes, the two sides should unswervingly adhere to the general direction of amity and cooperation, strictly follow the principles laid down in the "Sino-Japan Joint Statement", "Sino-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship" and "Sino-Japan Joint Declaration" to properly handle existing problems and contradictions between the two countries. "Taking history as the mirror and looking forward to the future" is the important consensus reached between China and Japan at the turn of the century which should be conscientiously put into practice and not remain merely in word.

Yang emphasized that the two sides should deepen understanding and enhance trust through dialogs and contacts at various levels, especially the goodwill exchanges between youngsters. At the same times, both sides should explore new ideas, seek new ways and initiate a new phase in mutual benefits and cooperation between the two countries. It is necessary to continue deepening bilateral economic cooperation, and promote the prosperity and development of this region.

Tatuo Okabe said in his speech that to strengthen multi-level and multi-channel friendly exchanges between the two countries is very important to enhancing friendship between the nationals of the two countries, especially the younger generation, and to developing Sino-Japan relationship in the 21st Century.

He suggested the two sides further enlarge the exchanges between middle and primary school teachers and advance the communications and dialogues between the press media. He also called on the two countries to further strengthen cooperation in regional and international affairs.

By PD Online Staff Du Minghua

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/