A Shakeup of Advertising Urged in China

The China Consumers' Association (CCA) lately published a market survey titled "False Advertising Falls Through" conducted in August and September this year to expose the fraudulence of false illegal commercials and regulate China's ads market.

From the survey's investigations into China's ads market there have been brought to light a large number of illegal false misleading commercials. A timely shakeup of China's ads market is therefore urged.

Altogether 7,240 public tip-offs were received during the two months, of which 17.5 percent were on medicine and 13.8 percent health-keeping products. In backing up the survey, local industrial and commercial administrative departments, had seen to it that illegal cases were investigated and punished, fines imposed and confiscation made to a total worth of RMB$5.32m yuan in addition to a sum of 6.28m yuan saved for consumers.

By PD Online Staff Li Heng

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/