300,000 Personal Homepages Destroyed due to Server Crash

ˇ°We cannot but say sorry." The person concerned of Chinaren.com Thursday confirmed that the 300,000 personal homepages hosted by Chinaren.com have been mistakenly destroyed. The data can hardly be restored.

A personal homepage is tantamount to an "online home" of a netizen. Chinaren's "Homepage Bus" is one of the biggest providers for free service in China with 300,000 registered users.

However, disasters occurred November 28, causing an instant destruction to the painstaking work of 300,000 netizens.

"It is an extremely unusual hardware crash. The raid controller and two hard disks broke down simultaneously. The file system collapsed. All of the data became inaccessible." After more than ten days of investigation, Chinaren declared that it is almost impossible to restore the data.

Sohu.com acquired Chinaren.com after a 4.4-million-share stock issue (market value of US$30 million) last autumn.

By PD Online staff Du Minghua

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/