China to Build Taxation Management Information System

During the 10th Five-year Plan period (2001-2005), China will primarily set up a taxation management information system featuring comprehensive functional abilities, of high efficiency, split information, close inspection and monitoring, safe, and of good stability in operation,

Jin Renqing, director of the State Administration of Taxation, made the remarks at the on-going national meeting on taxation held in Beijing.

The said information system will include "one network, one platform, and four subsystems", according to the official. "One network" means trunk network linking up the State Administration of Taxation with concerned departments at provincial, city, and county levels. "One platform" refers to a unified application system platform. By the "four systems" are meant tax revenue management, taxation administrative management and application, external information application management, and construction of tax revenue decision-making supporting application systems.

By PD Online Staff Huang Ying

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