Shanghai Opens First Online Bank

The "95599 Online Bank", the first of its kind has recently been opened in Shanghai. To digitize its financial service the Agricultural Bank of China has initiated the online bank. China Worldbest Group Co. Ltd., Shanghai Volksvagen and other large enterprises based in this coastal city have registered as the first corporate clients of the online bank.

By using the newest banking service, no matter where you are and what you need, just dial the phone number of 95599 or log on , then you can get all your financial information and service for free. The online financial information covers interest rates of deposits and loans of Renminbi and foreign currencies, personal check and a variety of consumption loans. The online financial service includes verbal report of losses of deposit receipt and account book. Large amount of cash withdrawal can also be booked online in advance. Contracted corporate and individual clients of the Agricultural Bank of China can also enjoy comprehensive financing service including the checking of balance account, transferring capital and buying treasury bonds.

Other such online services as personal payment, taxation and foreign exchange transactions are still under construction.

The online banking service marks a breakthrough for the Agricultural Bank of China. Its commitment to electronic capital flow, payment and other online service has brought more state-of-art management to the banking group on the way to narrow the gap between the banks and financial institutions and those in developed countries.

The 95599 online bank has already been equipped with "Four Requisites" that are necessary for banking services: organizational structure, management system, service functions and technological support. The “invisible bank”offers an around- the- clock service of seven days a week. Having passed the ISS Internet safety test. personal identification information and any transaction will be guaranteed confidential and safe.

Succeeding Shanghai, 95599 online banks of the Agricultural Bank of China will be extended to the whole country.

By PD Online staff Li Yan

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