Remarkable Progress in Universities Logistic Services Reform

China has made remarkable progress in running university logistic services as businesses in a bid to improve higher education in the past year, said Chen Zhili, minister of education in the capital of central China's Hubei Province.

Speaking at a national conference on college logistics reform Monday, Chen Zhili pointed out that efforts still should be made to establish a new mode of university logistic service system, and the work will complete in 2002.

Since China launched the reform of universities logistics services in 1999, by attracting 8 billion yuan of non-governmental investment, the whole country will complete the construction of 8.32 million square meters of student dormitories, accounting for 26 percent of the total construction floor space of students dormitories constructed by governments since 1949.

Due to lagging college logistics level, the quality of higher education cannot meet the increasing demand for high level professionals or the public's demand for higher education.

However, university services which include essential facilities pose a major problem in expanding university enrollment.

Chen urged local governments to incorporate university logistics into their overall urban development plans.

People's Daily Online ---