Simultaneous Interpretation Project Offers You a Smooth Communication

China is to joint the Project for Simultaneous Interpretation in Seven Languages, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By then, you can speak Chinese directly over the phone to an American, a French, and a Japanese or whoever may be on the other end of the line to make what you say understood by them.

As reported, China is the last developing country to join this international project of cooperation. Starting next year, the overall project will not be completed until four years later.

The system works like this: take Chinese for example, the language will first be translated into a commonly known international language and then be further put into English and other languages. When all seven languages are put into this commonly acknowledged language and with the code programmed the whole project is completed.

The vocabulary is as estimated to take in around 10,000 words, including words and expressions often used in suchlike situations as making reservation, booking air tickets, ordering food in restaurants, exchanging foreign currency etc. For instance, when you get into a hotel abroad, you are supposed to approach the Simultaneous Interpretation Center first to make you understood by waiters without language barrier. However, the system is not able to response anything more than the language necessary for check-in.

By PD Online Staff Yin Zhili

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