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Friday, December 15, 2000, updated at 09:13(GMT+8)

China Discovers 2,000-Year-Old Iron Cache

An ancient iron cache traced back to some 2,000 years ago was recently discovered in downtown Nanyang of north China's Henan province.

Archaeologists unearthed about 2,000 kg of iron boards from the cache, which was believed to be produced during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC. to AD. 24).

The iron boards are square, oblong or trapezium in shape, approximately 0.5 cm in thickness and 5 to 20 cm in length.

Nanyang's metallurgy industry flourished even in the Warring States period (475--221 BC.). During the Western Han Dynasty, Nanyang had become the country's largest metallurgy base, whose iron products were widely used throughout the country.

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An ancient iron cache traced back to some 2,000 years ago was recently discovered in downtown Nanyang of north China's Henan province.

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