Ten Miners Confirmed Dead Week After Being Trapped

Ten miners were confirmed dead Monday, Decmeber 11, after being trapped in a flooded coal mine for one week in central China's Henan Province.

The bodies of the 10 miners were carried out of the coal mine at midnight Sunday.

The supervision bureau of coal mining safety in Henan Province will send in an investigation team Tuesday to probe into the cause of the December 4 accident.

The Xinxing Coal Mine located in Yingyang City was inundated with nearly 20,000 cubic meters of water from a nearby coal mine.

Twenty eight of the 38 miners who were working underground at the time were rescued. However, efforts to pull out the other ten failed.

The small coal mine was operating without an official license at the time of the tragedy. The mine had been shut down by the local government twice, but each time the owner re-opened the mine.

The city's three other unauthorized coal mines were closed soon after the December 4 accident.

The owner of the coal mine fled the area immediately after the accident.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/