Chinese Record-Setting Swimmer to Challenge English Channel

Zhan Jian, who just broke the world record for the longest swim ever by swimming 123.5 kilometers across Bohai Strait this September, is practicing in the winter to prepare for his swim across the English Channel.

Since the water temperature in English Channel averages about 16 degrees, Zhang is swimming outside in the cold weather to prepare himself for the swim across the English Channel.

Referring to his winter swimming, Zhang Jian said that he often felt cold and numb when he practiced, but he felt very good after he got out water.

He said swimming during the winter is not only a test of one's body, but also a test of one's mind.

Zhang is going to swim across the English Channel in July, just before the host city for the 2008 Olympics to be decided. Zhang hopes that his swim will call people's attention to China and help Beijing's Olympic bid.



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