Xinjiang to Build China's Biggest Wind Power Plant

China's biggest wind power plant with a loan from the Asian Development Bank and an aggregate 200,000kw generating capacity is to be built in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

According to the Chinese Electric Power Enterprise Association, Xinjiang Electric Power Company has by its "Feasibility Study Report on Using an ADB Loan to Build Dabancheng No. 3 Wind Power Plant" obtained approval by the State Electric Power Company.

Dabancheng lies in the central part of trunk power grids of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Standing on the way of airflow passage, convenient in traffic, this is an ideal place for a big wind power plant to be built. To 111 wind power units with a total of 57,500Kw generating capacity in operation in the place there will be 61 new wind power units with an added generating capacity of 31,500Kw of wind power to be developed by the first half of next year.

Following completion of the first-phase construction work of No.3 Wind Power Plant at a cost of RMB$290.15m a generating capacity of 30,000Kw will be developed. In the place of these an annual amount of 40,000 tons of coal will be saved along with a cut of 6,500 tons of dust and solid waste and an annual total of 100mKw of wind power supply to Urumqi.

China to Boost Development of Wind Power

China will give a major boost to the development of wind power to benefit 23 million people living in hinterland areas or on the coastal islands by 2010.

The development of wind power is regarded as the second liberation for the farmers and herdsmen living in remote areas, where electricity are badly needed, according to

By PD Online staff Huang Ying

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