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Wednesday, December 06, 2000, updated at 16:57(GMT+8)

Beijing to Set New Goal for Modernization

The blueprint of new Beijing has been outlined after big modifications made to the indices for the city's modernization and a new goal is to be set in the next year, according to a symposium held in Beijing Tuesday, December 5.

Beijing can be ranked among the first-rate cities in China and one above the middle of the world since it has met most of the ten criteria regulated in the Inkeles index for measuring a modernized city.

However, the city has planned to map out a new index system for modernization next year and some indices that can indicate citizens' satisfaction and comfort in life will be probably included as a sort of measurement, according to a report by Beijing Morning Post.

The proportion of high-tech product value in gross industrial output, investment in infrastructure and that for research and development out of the GNP can also be taken into the indices for examining the modernization level of Beijing, said the report.

By PD Online staff Li Yan

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The blueprint of new Beijing has been outlined after big modifications made to the indices for the city's modernization and a new goal is to be set in the next year, according to a symposium held in Beijing Tuesday, December 5.

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