Hamas Vows to Continue Jihad "Till Liberation of Palestine"

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) renewed its plank on Monday, December 4, of continuing jihad (holy war) to liberate the Palestinian territories.

Hamas said in a statement on the killing of Awadh Saleh Asselmy, a leader of the Hamas military wing Ezz-Eddin Al-Qassam "the martyrdom of Asselmy and the blood of his companions will never go with the wind," adding that "the process of jihad and resistance will never cease."

Asselmy's body was found Monday on one side of a road connecting Netzarim Jewish settlement in central Gaza Strip and Karni crossing point between Gaza and Israel. He was killed while trying to plant an explosive device on the road side, said Hamas spokesman Ismail Abu Shanab.

Asselmy was among the wanted by Israeli security services for involvement in violent attacks against Israeli forces in the early 1990s and was set free on October 12 along with other Hamas members after serving four years in Palestinian jail.

Hamas, the major radical Palestinian group, is opposed to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and calls for violent struggle against Israel.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/