Brand-new Trains to Run Between Guangzhou and Shenzhen

News reports from Guangzhou say that a new AC electricity-powered train "Lanjian" as the latest of its kind in China will be put into operation on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway by the end of the year.

According to sources from a related department, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Company will further buy seven new "Lanjian" trains next year to cut the present departing time to 15 minutes of difference.

Formed of a locomotive and six coaches, every "Lanjian" has a holding capacity for 420 passengers and gives an average speed of 200km/hour and 235km/hour at the highest. Test-run of the train has finished on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway recently.

According to Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Company, a complete disuse of all quasi-high-speed trains in use has been planned and in the place of these will be new trains to run at a speed of over 200km/hour. To convenience the commuters, and with a thorough elimination of train schedule, new trains will shuttle on a regular shift in every 15 minutes between Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

By PD Online staff Huang Ying

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