EU Urges Israel to Lift Economic Blockade

The European Union (EU) urged Israel on November 30 to lift its economic blockade and financial sanctions against Palestinians.

In a declaration made by France, the current rotating EU president, the EU urges Israel to immediately restore the free circulation of people and goods in Palestinian territories and to lift all restrictions, in particular those on the free movement of people and equipment, that hamper humanitarian assistance.

The EU made the declaration on the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians based on an earlier declaration on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict made on November 20.

In the declaration, the EU called on Israel to lift financial sanctions imposed on Palestinian authorities, because the sanctions violate the agreements signed between Israel and the Palestinians.

Also, The EU noted its support for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's role in the deployment of UN observers in Palestinian territories.

The EU has been greatly saddened by the heavy casualties inflicted upon Palestinians by Israeli troops in the Palestinian territories over the past two months and regrets the economic and social consequences of Israel's blockade.

The EU reaffirms its commitment to helping the Palestinians via technical and economic means and hopes to help strengthen the Palestinian institutions that will form the basis for a future peaceful and democratic Palestinian state ruled by the law.

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