Iraq Rejects New UN Inspection Mission

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz said November 30 in Moscow that Baghdad will not permit a new UN inspection mission led by Hans Blix to be conducted in the country.

Aziz gave a definite "no" when answering a reporter's question on this possibility before Aziz left for Syria.

He added that he did not know exactly when Iraq would resume dialogue with the United Nations, but he mentioned that Iraq was studying a relevant proposal raised by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said on Russia's state television channel RTR, "Aziz confirmed Iraqi leadership's readiness for resuming dialogue with the UN. One can expect it to start early next year."

These remarks came after a hour-long meeting between Aziz and Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, which focused on lifting sanctions against Iraq.

Aziz described the meeting as very good, saying the leaders of the two countries understand each other well and will discuss problems in the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding.

According to Russian diplomatic sources, talks between Aziz and Ivanov proceeded "with difficulties." The cancellation of a news conference was linked to disagreements between Baghdad and Moscow over disarmament issues.

Much importance is attached to Aziz's two-day visit in Moscow because Russia has so far lost 30 billion U.S. dollars because of the embargo against Iraq that was initiated 10 years ago after the Gulf War.

Aziz also met Russian Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu on Wednesday to discuss implementation of a memorandum on understanding between the Iraqi Interior Ministry and Russia's Emergencies Ministry on civil defense and accident prevention issues.

People's Daily Online ---