Tibet Promotes Science

More than 500 people attended the opening ceremony of an exhibition for upholding science and civilization, and abandoning superstition and fatuity in Lhasa Thursday, November 30.

The exhibition, to last for one month in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, consists of four parts formed by cartoons and pictures.

The show, using irrefutable facts, unveils the villainous activities of the Falun Gong cult and other illegal organizations which fool the public in order to obtain money under the guise of religion and qigong (deep breathing exercise).

The show also exposes the representations and harm of pseudoscientific and superstitious activities, and educates people in identifying the truth from such activities by grasping scientific knowledge.

The show also includes a great number of facts that prove science to be the key in helping New China shake off poverty and it is science that has brought prosperity to China in the past five decades.

The exhibition will continue in other places of Tibet for two months after its completion in Lhasa.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/