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Thursday, November 30, 2000, updated at 08:56(GMT+8)

China's Ambassador to Palestine Presents Credentials to Arafat

China's new ambassador to Palestine, Mu Wen, presented his credentials to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on Wednesday, November 29.

Mu, who is also China's ambassador to Tunisia, conveyed to Arafat, who was on a visit to Tunisia, greetings from Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

He reaffirmed China's support for the Palestinian cause and reiterated its position on the ongoing clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian civilians.

The Chinese envoy patted Arafat on the back for his great efforts to tide over obstacles and difficulties in the Middle East peace process.

Arafat recalled his meetings with the Chinese leaderships since the 1960s and expressed gratitude for China's support for the Palestinian people.

He asked Mu to convey his greetings to President Jiang.

The Palestinian leader arrived in Tunis earlier Wednesday to attend celebrations of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. He has left for Tripoli to meet with Libyan leader Muammar al-Ghaddafi.

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China's new ambassador to Palestine, Mu Wen, presented his credentials to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on Wednesday, November 29.

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