Cargo Handling Reaches 60 Million Tons at Nanjing Port

By the end of the month, cargo handling at Nanjing port has added up to 60.63 million tons, an increase of 7.73 million tons over that of last year. With its cargo handling capacity breaking through 60 million tons Nanjing has thus become the No. one port in inland water transportation in China.

In the development of cargo handling, it took, as learned, Nanjing port 10 years to have achieved the stride from 40 million over to 50 million tons, whereas it only took five years to obtain the leap from 50 million to 60 million tons.

In the face of fierce competition, the port has paid more attention to market investigation and research. From January to October, the cargo handling at the port has registered 170,000 standard containers, of which, the containers for internal trade have increased by 50 percent, placing it at the top of all ports along the Yangtze River. Transshipment of rice, sulfur hit 400,000 tons, a rise of one fold as compared with that of last year and it has also scored a record high in foreign trade, transshipment of oil and liquid chemical products.

By PD Online staff Li Yan

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