Seoul, Pyongyang Agree on More Inter-Korean Military Talks

South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed November 28 to more military-level talks for reconstruction of inter-Korean railway and highway in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

The agreement was reached at the first round of inter-Korean working level military talks which was held in the truce village of Panmunjom Tuesday afternoon, according to South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Yoon Il-young.

In the spirit of mutual understanding, Seoul and Pyongyang have agreed to conduct further military-level talks on military guarantees for construction work in the DMZ area, said the spokesman.

Both sides will work together to reconnect a severed railway line from Seoul to Shuinjiu and build a new highway to run parallel to the line.

"The two sides made a tentative agreement at this first round of working-level military talks to hold a second round of talks on Dec. 5," the spokesman said.

Delegates from the two sides shared the same idea that the reconstruction project would not only create the first major artery linking South and North, but it would also serve as the two sides' first joint military project.

At the first talks, which opened at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Tongilgak pavilion under the control of the DPRK, the two sides exchanged outlines for the removal of land mines in the Demilitarized Zone as well as specific construction plans.

After the talks, according to the spokesman, the DPRK delegation said it will propose a schedule for the second round of inter-Korean Defense Ministers' talks when the working-level military talks make more progress.

Seoul and Pyongyang held their first inter-Korean ministers' meeting in South Korea on September 25-26 and at the meeting, the two sides agreed to hold the second in Pyongyang this month.

People's Daily Online ---