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Tuesday, November 28, 2000, updated at 11:05(GMT+8)

Illegal Sand Extraction Rampant along Yangtze River

Illegal Sand Extraction Rampant along Yangtze River
Recently, Illegal sand excavation, rampant at Fuchi section of the Yangtze River, Hubei Province, has endangered the safety of the water-channels and embankments of the river.

Ever since the banning on illegal sand-extraction in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River was enforced in Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi Provinces, some sand-extractors started to go upstream to Hubei for excavation.

Most of them keep in hiding at daytime yet out at night for work in order to dodge from the inspection. Some even anchor the dredges in the main watercourse or mine close to the dykes with no permission.

According to the authorities, sand-extraction in some sections along the Yangtze in Hubei must be carried out at certain appointed time and areas provided permissions are obtained from the three departments of water, and mineral resources, and harbor control as well.

However, the fact is that most of dredgers working in this area have none at all or are short of permits.

Sand Mining Banned in Yangtze River

Anhui province in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River recently imposed a ban on sand mining in the riverbed to prevent flooding and for shipping safety.

Sand mining is now prohibited by all three provinces in the lower reaches of China's longest river, with Jiangxi and Jiangsu province's having already imposed the bans.

PD Online staff Yin Zhili

In This Section

Recently, Illegal sand excavation, rampant at Fuchi section of the Yangtze River, Hubei Province, has endangered the safety of the water-channels and embankments of the river.

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