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Sunday, November 26, 2000, updated at 21:33(GMT+8)

Chinese Premier Meets Cambodian Prime Minister

Chinese Premier Meets Cambodian Prime Minister
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has told Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that China is willing towork with Cambodia to strengthen their friendly cooperation in all fields.

At a meeting in Singapore November 25, Zhu also said that during a recent historic visit to Cambodia, Chinese President Jiang Zemin reached many common views with Cambodian leaders on strengthening the two countries' traditional ties of good-neighborliness and friendship.

China is willing to join hands with Cambodia in implementing the joint statement signed and published by the two sides, Zhu said.

He also conveyed President Jiang's concern about the serious floods that have stricken Cambodia this year, and promised that, besides the emergency aid provided, the Chinese government has decided to provide Cambodia with an extra 5 million RMB (about 620,000 U.S. dollars).

Zhu said that at the summit between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan and South Korea (10+3), which had just concluded here, he and Hun Sen made useful explorations into the topic of furthering East Asia cooperation.

The Chinese premier said that China always attaches importance to strengthening economic and trade cooperation between China and Cambodia, and is actively supportive of Cambodia's economic reconstruction.

Zhu said that China will do as its capacity allows to provide assistance to Cambodia and encourage Chinese enterprises to invest and establish factories there.

Hun Sen said that President Jiang's successful visit to Cambodia, marking a milestone in Cambodian-Chinese relations, is set to push forward the development of the two countries' relations.

The prime minister said that the joint statement signed by the two countries during the visit will lead in the new century to further development of Cambodian-Chinese relations.

Hun Sen told Zhu that with the end to a long period of unstable situation, Cambodia now faces good opportunities in its national economic development. He said that Cambodia is willing to enhance mutual beneficial cooperation with China in various fields.

He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude for China's unselfish assistance to Cambodia in the past years.

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Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has told Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that China is willing towork with Cambodia to strengthen their friendly cooperation in all fields.

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