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Sunday, November 26, 2000, updated at 13:01(GMT+8)

Chinese Researchers Eye Future of Towns

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and representatives from Chinese towns gathered November 25 in Nanxun, a well-known town in east China's Zhejiang Province, to discuss the future of towns.

Jing Tiankui from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said urbanization will bring great changes to the country in the 21st Century, involving some 1 billion Chinese farmers. China needs to be prepared for these challenges and reforms in its economic, social and cultural fields.

Small towns, especially those already in the development process, will be the main power to inspire the economic and social development in their surrounding villages.

Scholars and town representatives will exchange views on the future economic structure of the towns, their environmental protection, and cultural development by learning from the town's experiences in a smooth development process and visiting some of them.

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Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and representatives from Chinese towns gathered November 25 in Nanxun, a well-known town in east China's Zhejiang Province, to discuss the future of towns.

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