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Sunday, November 26, 2000, updated at 12:04(GMT+8)

Thirty Farmers Studying Techniques in Japan

Thirty young farmers recently left their hometown of Changli County in north China's Hebei Province for Japan to study farming techniques.

This is the third group of Changli farmers to study farming techniques in Japan. So far, a total of 83 farmers in the county between the age of 20 to 30 have attended the one-year training program in Japan to learn modern techniques involving growing, packing and processing of vegetables and flowers.

The program, initiated by the local trade unions, assigned Chinese farmers to about 43 farms in Ibaraki-ken of Japan.

Some of the Chinese farmers also volunteered to study the Japanese language in their spare time. Two among the first group of farmers even passed a language test and got fairly good marks.

The fourth group of farmers kis scheduled to set off in spring of next year and there have been some 160 candidates applying for the opportunity.

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Thirty young farmers recently left their hometown of Changli County in north China's Hebei Province for Japan to study farming techniques.

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