Zhu Hails China-ASEAN Cooperation at Fourth ASEAN-China Summit

Premier Zhu Rongji hailed China-ASEAN cooperation in Singapore Saturday at the Fourth ASEAN- China Summit, saying that China wishes to see a united, stable and prosperous ASEAN and its important role in regional affairs.

"There is a strong momentum for the development of economic relations and trade between China and ASEAN countries with ever-expanding cooperation between them," Zhu said.

He said that from January to October this year, the two way trade between the Chinese mainland and ASEAN stood at US$31.96 billion, higher than last year's total and up by 47.9% over the same period last year.

All mechanisms under the China-ASEAN dialogue framework are functioning smoothly. China and ASEAN have gradually deepened cooperation in the fields of agriculture, science and technology, information, tourism, fight against transnational crimes and drug control.

The two sides have enhanced coordination and cooperation in regional and international affairs, and worked together to push forward the East Asia cooperation process spearheaded by ASEAN and China, Japan, South Korea cooperation, thus promoting peace and development in the region and the world as a whole, according the Chinese premier.

"It is gratifying to see fresh progress in the development of deepened partnership of good-neighborliness and mutual trust between us in a wide range of areas under the guidance of the China-ASAEN Joint Statement over the past year," Zhu said.

He said President Jiang Zemin has just paid successful visits to Laos, Cambodia and Brunei, during which China signed joint statements on bilateral cooperation with Laos and Cambodia respectively. To date, China has signed or issued 21st century-oriented framework documents with all ASEAN members, laying ground work for further development of the friendly relations and cooperation between China and ASEAN.

Speaking at the summit, Zhu said that it is of special significance for leaders of ASEAN countries and China to meet at this historical moment of the turn of the century and discuss the important issue of how to enhance China-ASEAN cooperation in the new century.

He told leaders from the 10 member nations of ASEAN that China is ready to continue its efforts, under the guidance of the spirit enshrined in the China-ASEAN Joint Statement, to materialize the framework documents on bilateral cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and work for further progress in their cooperation in the new century.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/