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Saturday, November 25, 2000, updated at 19:03(GMT+8)

Premier Zhu Rongji Meets Indonesian President

Premier Zhu Rongji Meets Indonesian President
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji met with Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid on the afternoon of November 24 following their participation in the fourth summit between Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan and South Korea.

Zhu said China attaches importance to East Asia cooperation and is willing to cooperate with the ASEAN in the fields of economy and trade, finance, science and technology, transportation and human resources, where there is a great potential for such cooperation.

The premier told Wahid that China regards Indonesia as an important country in East Asia and hopes that Indonesia will keep its political situation stable, society harmonious and economy developing. "We support the efforts made to this end by President Wahid and the Indonesian government," Zhu told Wahid.

Zhu said China is satisfied with the progress made in economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

Wahid expressed his hope that China will expand its cooperation with the ASEAN as well as its economic and trade links with Indonesia. On the issue of Taiwan, Wahid reiterated that the Indonesian government will stick to its "One China" stance and support China's "One Country, Two Systems" policy.

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Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji met with Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid on the afternoon of November 24 following their participation in the fourth summit between Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan and South Korea.

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