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Saturday, November 25, 2000, updated at 16:10(GMT+8)

Israeli Foreign Minister to Visit Russia Next Week

Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami is to visit Russia early next week for talks on ways of ending the violence in the Palestinian territories, his ministry said on Friday.

The visit was decided upon during a telephone conversation between Ben-Ami and his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov, the ministry said.

The two officials agreed that it was necessary for Ben-Ami to travel to Moscow, it added.

Ivanov also briefed Ben-Ami on talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat earlier Friday in Moscow.

The Middle East has been rocked by the eight weeks of clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian protestors, which have left more than 260 people dead, most of them Palestinians.

Russia, one of the co-sponsors of the Middle East peace process, wants to play a key role in mediating the peace talks. Ivanov visited Israel and the Palestinian self-rule areas during a regional tour earlier this month.

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Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami is to visit Russia early next week for talks on ways of ending the violence in the Palestinian territories, his ministry said on Friday.

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