Guangdong on Way to Develop Social Informationalization

Guangdong has made a titanic effort for developing social informationalization on a provincial scale to back up a fast growth of its economy and this is as has been seen in the province in the last years.

In the province, about 40 percent of industrial enterprises have had information technology introduced into production and management; information technology has been widely populated among farmers via special information networks. Altogether 90 counties and cities in Guangdong have developed E-accounting business in an all-round way. Sources say that major information basic facilities have to some extent been built in Guangdong. Advanced telecom basic communication networks have been basically established and to have a broadband/high speed network to cover all cities, counties, and towns in Guangdong has been realized in the province.

In Guangdong there are also China's first computer networks linking up platform that have been built to make inter-communications and resources share possible on a provincial scale.

By PD Online staff Huang Ying

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