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Thursday, November 23, 2000, updated at 10:54(GMT+8)

Security Council Condemns Kosovo Bombing

The UN Security Council on Wednesday evening voiced its strong condemnation of "the criminal attack" on the home of the representative of the Yugoslav government, and called for "an immediate and full investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice."

The condemnation was contained in a statement by the president of the 15-nation council.

"The council demands that all those concerned refrain from any act of violence, in particular against ethnic minorities, and cooperate with" the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the international peacekeeping force, known as KFOR, the statement said.

US Condemns Kosovo Bombing

The United States Wednesday condemned bombing of an official Yugoslav residence in Kosovo and attacks on Serbian police by ethnic Albanian insurgents in southern Serbia.

"The United States strongly condemns these attacks and calls upon all parties to cease these violent confrontations," Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in a statement.

In This Section

The UN Security Council on Wednesday evening voiced its strong condemnation of "the criminal attack" on the home of the representative of the Yugoslav government, and called for "an immediate and full investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice."

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